Raising concrete on your own, especially for significant or structural repairs, can be a challenging and labor-intensive task that requires the right equipment, knowledge, and experience. While some minor concrete lifting and leveling can be done by DIY enthusiasts, it’s important to consider the scope of the project and the potential risks involved. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Project Size and Complexity: Simple tasks like raising a small section of sunken concrete with mud jacking or polyurethane foam injections may be manageable for a DIY project. However, larger or more complex projects, such as lifting an entire driveway or addressing structural issues, are typically best left to professionals.

Equipment and Materials: Professional concrete lifting and leveling companies use specialized equipment and materials designed for these tasks. Attempting to replicate their techniques without the proper tools and materials can lead to unsatisfactory results and potential damage.

Structural and Safety Considerations: If the concrete problem is related to the structural integrity of your home or property, it’s critical to consult with a professional engineer or contractor. Attempting structural repairs without expertise can lead to safety risks and inadequate solutions.

Warranty and Guarantees: Many professional concrete repair companies offer warranties and guarantees on their work. If you perform the work yourself, you may not have these assurances.

Local Regulations: Some regions have specific regulations governing concrete repairs and modifications. Consult with local authorities or building departments to ensure your project complies with any applicable codes or permits.

Consult with Professionals: It’s often advisable to consult with professional concrete repair contractors or engineers who can assess the situation, provide expert guidance, and offer cost-effective solutions. They can help determine the best approach and whether it’s a task you can handle yourself or one that requires professional assistance.

In summary, while some minor concrete lifting and leveling tasks can be done as DIY projects, more extensive or complex projects, especially those involving structural issues, are best left to professionals. Prioritizing safety, long-term results and compliance with local regulations is essential when addressing concrete problems. Consulting with experts can help ensure that the repair is done effectively and safely.