The weight that a 6-inch concrete driveway can support depends on various factors, including the concrete’s strength, quality of construction, and the distribution of the weight. In general, properly designed and constructed 6-inch concrete driveways can typically support a wide range of loads, including passenger vehicles, light trucks, and even heavier vehicles. Here are some considerations:

Concrete Strength: The concrete mix used for the driveway, specifically its compressive strength, is a crucial factor. Concrete with a higher compressive strength can withstand heavier loads. A common choice for driveways is concrete with a compressive strength of 3,000 to 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi) or more.

Reinforcement: The use of reinforcement, such as steel mesh or rebar, can enhance the driveway’s load-bearing capacity. Reinforcement helps distribute the weight and reduces the risk of cracking or settlement.

Subgrade and Base: Proper preparation of the subgrade and the quality of the base materials can affect the driveway’s ability to support weight. A stable and well-compacted subgrade, along with an appropriate base layer, is essential.

Distribution of Weight: Even within the category of light trucks, there is a wide range of weights. The design of the driveway should account for the heaviest vehicles that may use it. Consideration should also be given to the axle load and the distribution of weight to avoid concentrated loads on specific areas of the driveway.

Local Conditions: Local building codes and regulations may specify load-bearing requirements for driveways, and these should be adhered to.